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Chambersburg Public Opinion–16 hours ago
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The Real Problem With Video Games
New York Times–Mar. 13, 2018
Donald Trump has long claimed that exposure to simulated violence in video games begets violent tendencies in real life. “Video game violence and glorification must be stopped — it is creating monsters!” he tweeted in 2012. In the wake of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., as the nation debated gun …

Why Pasta Is the Answer to Trump
New York Times–Mar. 13, 2018
ROME — I consider myself an adventurer, especially on the culinary front. I have consumed livers, kidneys and brains. I have eaten an Amazonian herb that numbs your tongue, which sort of nullifies the point of eating, and I have tried shrimp that were still alive — still wriggling — until the downward chomp …

Stormy Daniels suit could back Trump into a corner
CNN–Mar. 8, 2018
(Remember that President Bill Clinton was caught lying in a deposition in a civil suit for sexual harassment by Paula Jones — and perjury was one of the articles of impeachment brought against him.) Follow CNN Opinion. Join us on Twitter and Facebook. And choosing not to respond at all would result in a …

Respect First, Then Gun Control
New York Times–Feb. 19, 2018
… list “racist” first, followed by, say, “uncaring,” “uneducated,” “misogynistic” and “science deniers.” In a session Lawson attended, a Trump supporter acknowledged that the G.O.P. has had a spotty record on racial matters, but it’s important to him that Blues know that’s not why he holds his opinions.

Who’s Missing from BC’s Electoral Reform Debate?
TheTyee.ca–Mar. 13, 2018
Over the past couple of years, I’ve been involved in the debate on the federal level, and now in B.C. I read every article published in Canadian newspapers on it. I follow many of the key players and parties on Twitter. I’ve written a few articles myself, and was invited to appear in front of the federal Special …

We’re All Fascists Now
New York Times–Mar. 7, 2018
… at Northwestern who wrote an essay for The Chronicle of Higher Education about how there are too many Title IX sexual misconduct investigations on campuses — and then had two graduate students file a Title IX complaint against her, on the grounds that her article created a “hostile environment.” …

YouTube, the Great Radicalizer
New York Times–Mar. 10, 2018
I was writing an article about his appeal to his voter base and wanted to confirm a few quotations. Soon I noticed something peculiar. YouTube started to recommend and “autoplay” videos for me that featured white supremacist rants, Holocaust denials and other disturbing content. Since I was not in the …

When the Leader of the Free World Is an Ugly American
New York Times–Mar. 9, 2018
Foreign policy experts are betting on a fantasy, one mostly confined to the Acela Express. Those experts who seek to shape public opinion, to judge by their columns, interviews and tweets, have faced this responsibility only halfway. The president could not be luckier. Little short of catastrophe will vindicate …

The Center of Endless Attention
U.S. News & World Report–Mar. 9, 2018
By Nida Khan Opinion ContributorMarch 9, 2018, at 6:00 a.m. … a $10 billion deal to build a new mega-city, Trump nominating a Dow Chemicals lawyer to oversee the EPA toxic waste program, the attempt by 20 states to sue the federal government in an effort to end Obamacare and about a million other stories in between.
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