A Liberal’s Case for Brett Kavanaugh
New York Times–Jul 9, 2018
… defendants — have found their way into Supreme Court opinions. … at leading law schools and published notable law review articles.

Why Breast-Feeding Scares Donald Trump
New York Times–Jul 9, 2018
In the case of H.I.V., persistent global protest ultimately turned public opinion and, as it happens, the course of medical history. The United …

Democrats: Do Not Surrender the Judiciary
New York Times–Jul 6, 2018
With Republicans controlling the Senate and the judicial filibuster dead, the Democrats’ odds of denying President Trump a second Supreme …

Fred Rogers and the Loveliness of the Little Good
New York Times–Jul 5, 2018
Often people are moved to tears by sadness, but occasionally people are moved to tears by goodness. That’s what happens to the audiences of …

Is Trump’s Car War a Bluff?
Wall Street Journal–12 hours ago
Truly the most challenging assignment in government today will be validating Donald Trump’s suspicion that foreign auto companies threaten …

Democratic Socialism Is Dem Doom
New York Times–Jul 6, 2018
A political novice who calls herself a “democratic socialist” wins an unexpected Democratic Party primary victory, and now political taxonomists …

Donald Trump’s disgusting message to women
CNN–Jul 6, 2018
She is a frequent opinion contributor to CNN and The Washington Post ….. Trump knew that hiring Shine would cause people to write articles …

Jim Jordan and Ohio State
Wall Street Journal–14 hours ago
A number of former students at the Ohio State University say that decades ago, a doctor at the school sexually abused them under the pretense …

Trump’s Rage Junkies
New York Times–Jul 1, 2018
It is truly a confounding time to be alive, to be an American. We are watching as a president of the United States openly lies, fabricates and …
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