Celebrity Big Brother
BuddyTV (blog)–Feb. 25, 2018
It all comes down to this. After an entertaining and aggressive three weeks, CelebrityBig Brother ends its first season with a two-hour finale. Five HGs remain, but only two will be sitting at the end trying to get enough jury votes to win $250,000. Watch the 10 Best Moments from Celebrity Big Brother>>>

Justin Bieber & Quavo Join 2018 NBA All-Star Celebrity Game Lineup
Billboard–Feb. 15, 2018
The annual NBA All-Star Celebrity game is quickly approaching and after announcing the first batch of celebrity players last week, the NBA returned on Thursday (Feb. 15) to unveil two more additions to the already star-studded lineup: Justin Bieber and Quavo. Bieber, who’s no stranger to the All-Star …

Get to Know the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ Cast: Mark McGrath …
Billboard–Feb. 13, 2018
The cult-favorite reality show show Big Brother has been around for nineteen seasons, making contestants live together under constant surveillance, cutting connection from anyone who is not also living in the house, and ending each week with a voted-on eviction for an eventual cash grand prize. To add a …
The wife-beater, the witch and the White House: Why the hell did …
Highly Cited–Daily Mail–Feb. 13, 2018
Highly Cited–Daily Mail–Feb. 13, 2018

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ Spoilers: Who Won the 3rd Power of Veto …
BuddyTV (blog)–Feb. 14, 2018
Neither of the first two Powers of Veto were used on Celebrity Big Brother. In the history of the show, the PoV has never gone unused for the first three times in a row. So will Celebrity Big Brother make history or could the winner actually use it this time? SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Celebrity …

A Celebrity Philosopher Explains the Populist Insurgency
The New Yorker–Feb. 19, 2018
Since then, his newspaper articles and TV appearances have gradually established him as a media celebrity. Over the summer, ordinary Germans who spotted his books in my hands engaged me in conversation on trains, in coffee shops, at universities, and in bookshops. “Sloterdijk creates for his readers …

Meet Hercules, One of America’s Early Celebrity Chefs
Atlas Obscura–Feb. 21, 2018
After a long day in president George Washington’s executive kitchen, chef Hercules hit the streets of Philadelphia with sartorial flair and a keen eye for late-18th century fashion. Atop his head, the enslaved cook wore a voguish tricorn hat. Bright metal buttons held together his blue velvet-collared coat, …

Frederick Douglass: the ex-slave and transatlantic celebrity who …
The Conversation UK–Feb. 21, 2018
Douglass’s celebrity was truly international. He visited Britain and Ireland on three separate occasions. Everywhere he went, he made an impact. In Ireland, Douglass’s commitment to Irish Home Rule is commemorated in the Solidarity Wall mural on Belfast’s Falls Road. His time in Ireland is also the …

The dull truth about Chipping Norton
Telegraph.co.uk–Feb. 24, 2018
I, for one, expected that this upmarket market town in the Cotswolds would be a riotous orgy of right-wing celebrity. Murdochs and Camerons cosying up in the tea shop. Alex James drag-racing Jeremy Clarkson down cobbled lanes. Secrets shared and media empires wooed over flat whites, artisan cheese …

He Became A Celebrity For Putting Science Before God. Now …
BuzzFeed News–Feb. 22, 2018
“It is common knowledge that celebrity attracts all forms of negative attention from many different angles,” Krauss said in a December email. ….. In December, after BuzzFeed News contacted him about allegations of sexual harassment, Krauss tweeted a link to an article that argued the #MeToo movement …

Nine Celebrities Who Have Dated, Are Dating, Or Are Married To …
Celebrity Net Worth–Feb. 28, 2018
Billionaires and celebrities seem to go together. After all, both have access to practically anything they want. Also, let’s face it, celebrity can be fleeting and tends to fade as you age, so what better way to ensure your continued life of luxury than to date or marry a billionaire? In all seriousness though, some …
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