Why Gun Culture Is So Strong in Rural America

Story image for opinion news articles from Southern Star Newspaper

OPINION: Respect the right to differ

Southern Star Newspaper19 hours ago
… have a vital role to play in disseminating the facts about the matter and setting out the key arguments for and against the proposal to repeal the 8th amendment (Article40.3.3) of the Constitution and replacing it with the words that ‘provision be made by law for the regulation of termination of pregnancies.’.
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

Why Gun Culture Is So Strong in Rural America

New York TimesMar. 16, 2018
KNOXVILLE, Iowa — As Democrats have fled rural America — or rural America has fled Democrats — many of them, living in cities, are left without an understanding of rural culture and its core values. If it isn’t on abortion, our deepest cultural divide might be on guns. The guns issue also has a profound …
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OPINION: McAleese’s misogyny accusations hit home

Southern Star Newspaper12 hours ago
Related Articles. 06 Mar 2018Together we can achieve more; 05 Mar 2018West Cork Enterprise Office event marks Women’s Day; 21 Jan 2018OPINION: First year of Trump presidency. Stay up-to-date with the latest West Cork news with a Southern Star digital subscription on your phone, tablet or computer …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

Burn It Down, Rex

New York TimesMar. 16, 2018
Since the beginning of this nightmare administration, we’ve been assured — via well-placed anonymous sources — that a few sober, trustworthy people in the White House were checking Donald Trump’s worst instincts and most erratic whims. A collection of generals, New York finance types and …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

There’s Reason for Hope on Guns

New York TimesFeb. 19, 2018
This article is part of the Opinion Today newsletter. You can sign up here to receive the newsletter each weekday. Vermont has some of the weakest gun laws in the country. After the school shooting in Florida last week, Vermont’s governor — Phil Scott, a Republican — initially vowed that those laws would …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

Respect First, Then Gun Control

New York TimesFeb. 19, 2018
… list “racist” first, followed by, say, “uncaring,” “uneducated,” “misogynistic” and “science deniers.” In a session Lawson attended, a Trump supporter acknowledged that the G.O.P. has had a spotty record on racial matters, but it’s important to him that Blues know that’s not why he holds his opinions.
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

America Is the Gun

New York TimesFeb. 25, 2018
The current push for stricter gun control is aiming too low. Sure, passage of new regulations would be a welcome change from our political intransigence and lack of response to our ongoing epidemic of gun violence and mass shootings in this country. But we often talk about The Fix, as if any half-measure …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

The Boys Are Not All Right

New York TimesFeb. 21, 2018
I used to have this one-liner: “If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant, ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.” It’s funny because it shouldn’t be that easy to rob a man of his masculinity — but it is. Last week, 17 people, most …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

We’re All Fascists Now

New York TimesMar. 7, 2018
… at Northwestern who wrote an essay for The Chronicle of Higher Education about how there are too many Title IX sexual misconduct investigations on campuses — and then had two graduate students file a Title IX complaint against her, on the grounds that her article created a “hostile environment.” …
Story image for opinion news articles from New York Times

How to Monitor Fake News

New York TimesFeb. 20, 2018
The editorial decisions of a newspaper or television news program are immediately apparent (articles published, segments aired) and so can be readily analyzed for bias and effect. By contrast, the editorial decisions of social media algorithms are opaque and slow to be discovered — even to those who …

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